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Trinity Ecumenical Parish, Smith Mountain Lake Virginia


“Give, and it will be given to you. For the measure you
give will be the measure you get back.
Luke 6:38

Trinity Ecumenical Parish has a culture of generosity and joyful giving. We are all about Ministry; it is the reason we exist. Parish policy over the years has called for at least 20% of the contributions to the general fund to be allocated to benevolences. Of this, 10% is shared equally with the three denominational judicatories to support their missions and ministries, 5% is shared in equal amounts to the three denominational congregations to allocate to charities of their choosing, and 5% is allocated to the Parish Ministry of Service for distribution to local charities selected by the team.

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Trinity Ecumenical Parish, Smith Mountain Lake Virginia

Monetary Gifts

To contribute monetarily, you may donate online, through electronic funds transfer (automatic deductions), by mail, or by placing an envelope in the offering plate during worship services. Our Finance Team can also assist with stock donations or legacy gifts.

Time & Talents

We are each richly blessed with spiritual gifts and equipped with practical talents that can go far in furthering our ministry and enrich our Parish family. Time and talents are honored and valued. With over forty small ministry groups, there are opportunities for all.

Trinity Ecumenical Parish, Smith Mountain Lake Virginia
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Trinity Treasures

Donations of furniture, tools, books, jewelry, household items, and appliances in good condition are welcomed and may be placed in the Trinity Treasures shed in the lower parking lot. For pickup of large items, please contact the parish office.


If you want to make an easy and convenient contribution to Trinity, you may text the amount you wish to give and send it to Trinity’s trusted provider at 844-949-3051. The first time you use this method, you will receive a secure link to register your contribution method—either a credit or debit card.  For subsequent contributions, all you’ll need to do is text the amount you wish to give to the same number.  With each contribution, you’ll receive a confirmation text and email.  It’s that simple!

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